
Immediate Need:

Our own Missionary Debbie Shaw Needs Your Help. She has a $3,200 medical bill due the middle of January.

Below are ways to help. For all of them make sure you mark your gift "Personal Gift" or it will go to her regular support, not here current need.


1. Give at church through your normal envelope system. Mark your gift for Debbie Shaw - Personal Gift.


2. Go to www.contributions.ag.org


Go 1/2 way down the page to "Give to AG Missionaries", Click on "Online Contributions"

Ministry Name.....Shaw

Ministry ID..........293794

Designate "Personal Gift"

Click "contribute" at the bottom of the page.


3. Send a check to:

Assemblies of God World Missions

1445 North Boonville Ave

Springfield, MO  65802-1894

Debbie�s name needs to be on the check, and  her account number (293794).

Also, make sure to designate it as a "personal gift".



The missions program at Christian Life focuses on supporting our missionaries worldwide as well as those who serve in the United States. We do this through monetary and other types of support.

The Missions program highlights a different Missionary monthly and encourages the congregation to give faith pledges of money and correspond with the Missionaries through letters.

At Christian Life, we have created a Missions Room within our santuary which houses our life-size Buddy Barrel. We hold yearly Missions Conventions and host guest Missionary speakers throughout the year.

Christian Life is proud to have our very own Deb Shaw on the Mission Field!

Visit Deb Shaw's Page

�One Day to Feed the World� Mission Campaign

As of 3-10-10 we raised $9,941.04 to send to Convoy of Hope for the Haiti Relief efforts. Donations will continue to be accepted, please continue to pray for the nation of Haiti and that they will respond to the love of Christ as it is being poured out upon them through compassion ministries.

Psalms 96:3 "Declare His glory amoung all nations" (NIV)
Psalms 2:8 "Ask of Me and I will give you the nations..." (AMP)

2010 Missions Convention

Our convention kicked off with a bang with Will Bridges from Bridges for Life Ministry on Sunday March 7th. Join us Saturday, March 13th at 9:00 am for an exciting breakfast with John Hall, Missionary to Nicaragua. On Sunday, March 14th at 10:15 am we host Jack Belin of Convoy of Hope, and at 6:30 pm our gust speaker will be David Stanislaus, Missionary and AG administrator.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive

We are starting early this year and we have a list of acceptable donations on the missions table. We are collecting different things each month from Feb � Oct and have a pack and wrap night scheduled for Sunday, October 24th. You may drop off donations in the mission�s room in the bin under the table. Now is also a good time to start your own shoeboxes at home and fill them by the November collection date.
Make a difference I a child�s life � fill a shoebox!
We are also a collection site for local families to drop off their boxes.

Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade

BGMC is a program for children ages 12 and under. The children save spare change in their "Buddy Barrels" which is collected on the first Sunday of each month. The money goes toward literature that can be used by missionaries, home and abroad.

Throughout the Assemblies, over 57 million dollars has been given to missions by children!

Speed The Light

Speed the Light is the youth area of missions giving that helps supply vehicles of all types, from camels to cars, as well as sound equipment, for our missionaries home and abroad.

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© 2009 Christian Life Assembly of God
1400 Warm Spring Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17202. Phone 717-267-1280