Our Staff

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As the Lord would have it, our calling here has opened many avenues to see his hand at work.  The unity of the Spirit has been one of the driving forces while at Christian Life. Ephesians 2:19-21 tells us: "We are God's house" and that "Christ is the Chief Corner Stone, in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into the Holy temple of the Lord".  As the Lord Leads and enables us, we hope to continue the building of the Lord's house to His glory and honor.  As we reach our world, we want to be "A ministry to the entire family."  May our gracious Savior and King add many more faces to the family as the work goes on.

In His Service, Pastor Joe


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Board Member Title
LeRoy Bunker Inside Maintenance
Sonny Ganoe Outside Maintenance
Norm Hampton Ministries Coordinator
Jeff Spidel Facilities Coordinator
Matt Clawson Treasurer
Ken Carlson Secretary
Ministry Leader Title
Shirley Sites Sunday Morning Van Ministry
Fay and Crawford Peters Greeters Ministry and GAB Banquet
Linda Ganoe Missionettes
Mike Garland Royal Rangers
Jane and Ken Carlson Music and Sound
Michelle Bunker Meals for the Sick
Linda Ganoe and Darlene McKelvey Funeral Meals
Marcie Beaver Banquet Food Ministry
Justin Isbister Sunday School Superintendent
Stephanie Rosenberry Nursery
Carrie Lowe Nursery Coordinator
Jolene Ceravalo Women's Ministries President
Heather Madden WM's Co-President
  WM's Secretary/Treasurer
Lisa Fidler Missions Coordinator
Tammie Fisher Missions Committee
Pam Barnett Missions Committee
Sharon Crouse Missions Committee
Bev Hill Bible Quiz
Debbie Pickens Bible Quiz
Darlene McKelvey Food Pantry and Angel Food Ministry
Julie Gordon Sign Ministry
Natasha Clark MEMS
Ken Carlson Webmaster
Pastor Joe Pickens Benevolance
Crawford and Fay Peters Cleaning Staff
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© 2009 Christian Life Assembly of God
1400 Warm Spring Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17202. Phone 717-267-1280