Christian Life Ministry Groups:           Men        Women        Youth        Children        Missions



Pastor Joe Pickens

Senior Pastor

  As the Lord would have it, our calling here has opened many avenues to see his hand at work.  The unity of the Spirit has been one of the driving forces while at Christian Life, during our first year.  Ephesians 2:19-21 tells us: "We are God's house" and that "Christ is the Chief Corner Stone, in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into the Holy temple of the Lord".  As the Lord Leads and enables us, we hope to continue the building of the Lord's house to His glory and honor.  As we reach our world, we want to be "A ministry to the entire family."  May our gracious Savior and King add many more faces to the family as the work goes on.

In His Service,
Pastor Joe

Pastor Adam Smith

Youth Pastor

Pastor Leroy Wiley

Visitation Pastor

Brenda Kessinger


Jane Carlson

Financial Manager/
Music Director

Ken Carlson

Board Member - Facilities Coordinator

Mark Fleck

Board Member - Inside Maintenance

Sonny Ganoe

Board Member - Ministries Coordinator

Phil Reath

Board Member - Outside Maintenance

Steve Robinson

Board Member - Treasurer

Jeff Spidel

Board Member - Secretary



Shirley Sites

Sunday Morning Van Ministry

Fay & Crawford Peters

Greeters Ministry and GAB Banquet

Linda Ganoe


Jeff Spidel

Royal Rangers

Jane & Ken Carlson

Music and Sound

Michelle Bunker

Shut-in, Sick and Funeral Meals Ministry

Marcie Beaver

Banquet Food Ministry

John McAtee

Sunday School Superintendent

June Clawson


Debbie Pickens

Women's Ministry Co-President

Brenda Kessinger

Women's Ministry Co-President

John McAtee

Men's Ministry

Gena Reath


Deb Shaw

Missions Coordinator

Debbie Pickens

Junior Bible Quiz/Bible Quiz

Bev Hill

Children's Church Intern

Bev Hill

Children's Pastor

Wanda Bunker

Pre-School Children's Church

Pete Cope

Food Pantry

Denise Angle

Family Fun Night

Marilyn McAtee & Sherri Griffith

Kid's Choir

Gniger Martin & Jennifer Sites & Marilyn McAtee

Media Ministries Directors

Kim Hartman


Cleaning Staff


Brother Hershey


Crawford & Fay Peters


Woody Rosenberry