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News and Events


Facilities Calendar is
online and up to date...

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The calendar can be viewed at the above link but cannot be edited.
To make an adjustment or addition to the calendar e-mail Ken Carlson at

Men's Softball Team
There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer bulletin board. Anyone interested in fun and fellowship, this is the place for you! See Matt Snyder for any questions.

Body and Soul Fitness Spring 2005 session
Hi and lo impact aerobics, strength and resistance training set to Christian music. Click here for schedule.

Clothing Drive
We are currently taking donations of any of the following items:
mens, womens and childrens clothing, shoes, pocketbooks, belts, linens, curtains, sheets, blankets, comforters and towels
Please NO winter coats or snow suits!
This clothing drive is to benefit 3rd World countries with warm weather climates including Mexico, countries in South America and countries in Africa.
Our goal is to fill a tractor trailer from top to bottom by the end of May!

Please bring all items to Christian Life Assembly of God. Contact the church office for inquiries (717)267-1280.

Prayer and Share
Every Tuesday 7:00pm

Baby Shower
For Carrie Lowe
Saturday, May 7th
2:00pm upstairs

Mothers & Others
Monday, May 9th
Hoss's Steakhouse

WM's Spring Convention
May 13-14
Bethel Assembly