The missions program at Christian Life focuses on supporting our missionaries worldwide as well as those who serve in the United States. We do this through monetary and other types of support.
The Missions program highlights a different Missionary monthly and encourages the congregation to give faith pledges of money and correspond with the Missionaries through letters.
At Christian Life, we have created a Missions Room within our sanctuary which houses our life-size Buddy Barrel. We hold yearly Missions Conventions and host guest Missionary speakers throughout the year.
Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade
BGMC is a program for children ages 12 and under. The children save spare change in their "Buddy Barrels" which is collected on the first Sunday of each month. The money goes toward literature that can be used by missionaries, home and abroad.
Throughout the Assemblies, over 57 million dollars has been given to missions by children!
Speed The Light
Speed the Light is the youth area of missions giving that helps supply vehicles of all types, from camels to cars, as well as sound equipment, for our missionaries home and abroad.