Bountiful Blessings Food Pantry

News from “Bountiful Blessings” Food Pantry
“Bountiful Blessings” goal is to first serve Christian Life Church and second serve the community. We want to feed the community not only physically but spiritually!
GREAT NEWS from Bountiful Blessings Food Pantry! We received our Agency Data Report from July 2009 through February 4, 2010. We spent $312.28 at the Central PA Food Bank. If we would have purchased the same amount of food at a regular store, the cost would have been $28,915.50!!!! If you would like to bless our food pantry, please mark your envelope "Bountiful Blessings". Thank you for helping us bless the community.
How does Bountiful Blessings get food?
Most of our food comes from the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Harrisburg. It is much less expensive than a normal grocery store. We also coordinate with Food Lion in Greencastle on Thursday morning to pick up the produce, etc that might be expiring soon which is a great blessing to the community.
Food from the food bank in Harrisburg is paid for by the pound which is a great saving, but it still does have costs. We appreciate any monetary donations to the food pantry; a dollar goes a very long way to feed the less fortunate in our local community! We also accept canned goods, etc. Thanks in advance!
Volunteers are always welcome! We have a calendar/schedule in the pantry; just let us know when you want to help.
We are open on Thursdays from 9am-noon. If you can’t make it during these times, give us a call so we can work something out for you.
Food Pantry phone: 717-263-8152
or contact Darlene McKelvey: 717-369-2980
Psalm 132: 15
I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food.