Home for Nate is San Diego, CA. He spent the first 19 years of his life there and was at the time getting ready to transfer to an Assembly of God university in Costa Mesa, CA until he felt God change his direction and instead lead him to Master's Commission in Atlanta, GA. He spent 3 years there where he interned under Rev. Jeanne Mayo and Rev. Darren Hileman and met the love of his life, Alissa. After Atlanta, Nate and Alissa youth pastored in Columbia, MO until finally coming to Chambersburg, PA in July of 2009. 
Nate volunteered as the young adults director until officially coming on staff in November of 2010. Nate enjoys working under a spiritual father in Pastor Joe and enjoys his relationship with him as his father-in-law as well! 
"I'm enjoying the journey of being in love with God, in love with my beautiful wife, and loving a generation towards Christ!"