Sudden Impact- Every Wednesday @7pm

Iron Cutters(Guys' Discipleship)- 2nd and 4th Saturday @ 6pm

Ladies Discipleship- Coming Soon


Parent Consent/Medical Relese Forms

Trips Creed


 2-5             Youth Advance

11               Consuming Fire Youth Rally

                   Leave: 5:30pm

18             See You At The Pole Rally

                   Leave: 6:30pm

21           See You At The Pole

                   In the AM @ ur school's flagpoole


 8          Guy's and Girl's Nite Out

                   Time: TBA

16         STL Day (Church AM)

26         Missions Convention

30         Youth Campfire Nite

                   Ryan and Kim's House (directions will be available)


2           "Pet Cemetary" Illustrated Message

10-11    VFCC Breakaway

13          Kickback @ PA's Casa

23          Thanksgiving Eve (Youth Cancelled)

26          Turkey Bowl Football Classic 


10        Sno-tubing

14        Church-wide Christmas Celebration (Youth Cancelled)

21        Sudden Impact Christmas Party

If there are any activities you see on this page that you want to sign up for, please email PA and specify your name, phone, and activity you wish to be a part of.


�2004 Sudden Impact Youth Ministries. All rights reserved.